Commission a work of art
Many artists create artwork on commission!
What is commissioned artwork?
On Dutch Luxury Design we offer the possibility to have a piece of art commissioned by an artist. This is no more expensive than buying an artwork that can already be found on our platform.
By the way, this does not only apply to paintings. This can also be done for sculptures, photography, digital art, light objects and design objects!
When to commission an artwork?
You have seen an artwork you really like, but it is too big or the colors do not match. You would like a work in the same style of the artist. Or perhaps a work of art inspired by your own experience, created by an artist whose work appeals to you. There are so many reasons why a commissioned artwork is the ideal choice!
How it works.
Most of the artists on our platform are happy to create a commissioned artwork for you.
Follow the following steps when you commission an artwork:
Step 1: Contact the artist of your choice
Step 2: Discuss the possibilities and make an appointment
The arrangements are directly between you and the artist.