Karin Hovius

Karin Hovius

Karin Hovius: "After my retirement I started to make collages with Photoshop technics. I am autodidact. My education was Gymnasium b, Master French and Master Biology. Profession: teaching Biology on a Havo/Vwo.
That has nothing to do with art, unless one can uplift teaching to an art. Unfortunately, that is not always possible.
The motivation for my work was the consciousness that we filter the world around us and bring it into a map. This information is then fixed. And we are no more able to look behind it or through it. That brought me to photography simple objects and combine them so that one can look “through“ and enter another layer of reality. From that point of view the collages can speak with you in their own language. And it is up to you to answer their questions.
Lately I started to enter some exhibitions, like with the art group “Meer kunst” ,their jubilee exhibition in de Oosterkerk Amsterdam in November 2019, and recently also a jubilee exhibition with art group Sint Lucas in de Loods6, Amsterdam. Corona depending my vision is to start my own exposition in Duivendrecht.
There I would like to emphasise on videos, which can be projected on a professional way, and on 3D of guest artists."

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Company Information

Dutch Luxury Design trading under
A Thousand Elephants B.V.
0031 683 707830
Chamber of Commerce: 05068150
VAT: NL8102.56.708.B.02