René Beaumont

René Beaumont

René Beaumont
(1959 – autodidact – Belgium)

 His sculptures are impressive in many ways. Whether cut in stone or cast in bronze they mainly focus on the human body or face. However, these are rarely elaborated as a whole. Preferably only the most relevant parts are ‘used’ for what the inspiring thought intends to represent, show or tell. Isolating specific characteristics, highlighting distinct features, and placing them in a new context of contrasting elements or shapes, their very essences are caught, therewith stressed.
Since creating implies a genesis it is to actively bring about new dimensions and spaciousnesses in a composition that dares transcend realities in the search for new archetypes. Their authenticity, sincerity and genuineness are renowned to stir the imagination, titillate the senses. As does the way the works have been realized; love for the matter, craftsmanship, and an eye for detail.
Realism? Surrealism? Friends and fans call it ‘Beau-ism’. For what it’s worth: « un hommage à la beauté… »

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Nymphe aux nénunphars

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Hélassitude I

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Marketing- and sales platform
Dutch Luxury Design trading under
A Thousand Elephants B.V.
0031 683 707830
Chamber of Commerce: 05068150
VAT: NL8102.56.708.B.02