Jolanda van der Elst

Jolanda van der Elst

Jolanda van der Elst was born and raised in Rotterdam (The Netherlands). From the moment she could hold a pencil and brush she started drawing and painting. Nevertheless, at first she did not choose an artist’s career. It wasn’t until 2002 she decided to turn her passion into her job. She took some lessons, but for the greater part you may call her self-taught. Although she uses all the usual materials, she prefers working in oil paint or soft pastels and also mixed media.

Her paintings are never realized over-night, but take serious preparation. Choosing the subject, finding a combination of the right reference material, deciding which medium to work with and the size of the new painting and creating the total design, it may take weeks. Then applying the several layers of paint takes some more.
As far as subjects are concerned, she has a variety of interests of which (historical) fashion and costume, nature (including people and animals) and some ‘magic’ are her favorites’.
Over the past years she has been exploring these subjects, often leading to a series of paintings on the same subject. Lately she finds that her favorite subjects are coming together in her work, bringing her a again little closer to finding the ultimate satisfaction in her creations.
Her work is colorful, detailed, sometimes with a funny twist or even some alienating effect.

Jolanda's contact details:

Atelier address:
Prinses Margrietlaan 21
2273 AG Leidschendam-Voorburg.

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Company Information

Marketing- and sales platform
Dutch Luxury Design trading under
A Thousand Elephants B.V.
0031 683 707830
Chamber of Commerce: 05068150
VAT: NL8102.56.708.B.02